Never Give Up

Hey everyone, my name is Lindsay! I hope that whoever reads my story feels loved, 

important, heard, and a little less alone.

It all started when around my senior year of high school when I noticed a small change. Everything was normal from cycles to weight. The only thing I noticed my senior year truly was bloating more than normal. I ALWAYS ate healthy. I was the kid/adult that will still choose a veggie tray over sweets. I ate salads almost everyday. I just LOVE fruits and veggies. What can I say my mom never had to tell me to eat my veggie! I went to college and I was always afraid of the “freshman 15.” I told myself I would work out and stay on top of everything! I was teaching dancing four nights a week on top of going to the gym. I was VERY active.

Towards the next couple of months, I gained weight. I knew it was to be expected but not the amount and rate I was gaining. I started dieting and working out like crazy.  If you have PCOS you can guess where this was going………”nowhere”. I did everything I could. About 4 months later I saw my primary care doctor that told me to track everything I ate for 2-3 weeks and we would do blood work. My “normal” standard bloodwork was normal of course and my “diet” looked fine. He went no further. I was shunned and dismissed for over 4 years. I went to doctors and practitioners to try and find answers. Finally a friend of mine that is a practitioner decided it was time to test my hormones.


I was having all the symptoms.

All the symptoms I told my doctor got dismissed. We started medicine and progesterone. Progesterone has been life saving for me. I take it everyday. My body can't absorb enough of it nor can it absorb folate properly. All things I would have never known if I just gave up. I decided I wanted to try and reverse PCOS or un-inflame my body. I gave up alcohol completely for just about 2 years now and I never felt better. I started to take vitamins everyday and really watch what I ate. I lost over sixty pounds! I got certified in nutrition coaching to help other women lose weight. If you are interested in that and you made it this for I hope you reach out and i can help you! I hope you after reading this you never give up and you keep pushing for your doctor to hear you. Having a voice is so important and if you ever need an extra voice I will always stand with my PCOS “cysters”! 

Much love, LINDSAY 


Rejection in Relationships