Rejection in Relationships
Hi, I’m Bethany…
Something God has really shown me over the years has been rejection in relationship.
I don’t know if you’re like me or not but I have been rejected more times than I’d like to admit. This does have an effect on our lives as well as our relationship with God. Just recently I went through a situation where I was rejected by a potential romantic relationship and that hurt. It made me immediately question everything about myself and God.
I had been steadfastly praying for this man and had been worshiping through the
transition. Unfortunately the outcome I wanted was not the one God had in mind. It ended in me being angry and upset with God.
“Why can’t I have something good??”
“He’s a man of God why can’t he like me?!”
“Am I not good enough?!”
“Am I not pretty enough?!”
God wants our honest response to heartache. A scripture he reminded me of was Jeremiah 31:3 -
“I have loved you with an everlasting love: therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you...”
God loves us. He is always with us. He loves us more than any man that comes into our lives will. He loves us unconditionally. This verse changed my perspective from rejection to protection. God does not like that we get hurt in rejection but don’t look at it as rejection but protection for something greater.
I hope this encourages you if you have felt or recently felt the hurt of rejection whether it’s in a job, relationship, friendship, family or anything. God is still with you and he is protecting you. Ask God to protect your heart and guard your heart from the enemies lies that can creep in with rejection.