The Raw Beauty Project

There are too many people walking around not knowing who they are and Whose they are. Who have been told all their life they are not pretty enough, not thin enough, not good enough. 

And it all started with a lie. 

On my own journey of rediscovering who I am in Christ, I’ve unpacked the truth of who God says I am and I no longer hide from the world in shame. Now, I run with a burning passion to speak the truth I’ve found over the hearts of others. 

If we do not know who we are. If we do not believe that God created a masterpiece when He created us. Then we are powerless and defenseless against the enemy. 

The enemy has been lying to you for far too long. 

The lies you hear that cause you to question God’s perfect creativity. the ones that cause you to look in the mirror and wish that someone else was staring back at you. The lies that have kept you hidden for fear of being seen.

The world tells us to cover our face, conceal what we think needs fixing, chasing after the latest product that claims to make us look younger. The world repeatedly tells us that who God created us to be, is just not enough. 

The enemy’s greatest threat is children of God knowing who they are and fully embracing it because he knows that if we really knew, then we would start living like it. 

Living like we’re heirs to the King. Walking with our head held high, living fully awake, and fully alive. Loving ourselves because He first loved us. Loving what we see in the mirror because we know God is the ultimate creator and He makes no mistakes. 

Every smile tells a story. Every wrinkle a map of memories. Every freckle so intricately placed. Nothing by accident. Every detail so carefully thought out by the Creator Himself. 

Daughter of God, You have been marked by heavenly beauty, called with a purpose that is so great and so alive. And when our Heavenly Father sees you, He responds with a “very good”. 

The lies end here. The word curses break here. It’s time to push back the enemy lines and take back what was stolen.

It is time to come out of hiding. It is time that you know the child of God that you really are. Fully loved, capable, His masterpiece, beautiful in His sight, fearfully and wonderfully made, and chosen for such a time as this. 

This is what the Raw Beauty Project is all about. Unveiling the real, genuine beauty of God’s greatest creation - us. 

Psalms‬ ‭139‬:‭14‬-‭16‬

“I thank you, God, for making me so mysteriously complex! Everything you do is marvelously breathtaking. It simply amazes me to think about it. How thoroughly you know me, Lord. You even formed every bone in my body when you created me in the secret place; carefully, skillfully you shaped me from nothing to something. You saw who you created me to be before I became me.”


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