True Meaning of Clean Eating
Hey there, friend! My name is Raegan Blackmer and I am a Certified Holistic Nutritionist.
My main priority is nutrient dense whole foods and reading ingredient labels.
Do you ever find yourself wondering why so many people in this time more than ever have
digestive issues, brain fog, fatigue, obesity, autoimmune condition's and cancer diagnosis- and
the list goes on?
How do you think we are supposed to be healthy, much less THRIVE in an environment where our air, water, food, body care, cosmetics, and household items are polluted? If you ask me, it is almost impossible to have good health when in such a tragic position.
These things have much more of an impact than we realize, especially for our food because we
are putting it directly into our body.
Chemicals, pesticides, preservatives, synthetic dyes, sugars, and inflammatory oils are packed
in just about all of our food. We were never meant to consume these kind of ingredients in the
first place. When your body does not recognize ingredients like these, it leads to inflammation-
and inflammation leads to a laundry list of health problems.
My story:
You name it, I had it!
Constant gut issues, PCOS, bloating, fatigue, cystic acne, glued to my bed in the mornings, low energy, stubborn fat, and the list still goes on!! I remember the struggle of trying every diet and nothing seemed to help me achieve what I was seeking.
Rule #1: Look past the marketing labels.
Marketing tactics look like: “USDA organic”, “gluten free”, “keto”, “low calorie”, “paleo”.
When shopping for clean ingredients, I look past the marketing. This is where they get you.
Even foods that claim they are “healthy”, are sometimes not. This is why you have to take
charge and read for yourself. No matter what, I always flip it over.. and I’m looking for
Ingredients to avoid:
#1 Seed oils: canola (rapeseed), peanut, soybean, cottonseed, sunflower, safflower, and corn.
These oils are highly ultra-processed. They go through heating to 500° to extract, which causes them to oxidize. Due to such high levels of heat, it causes them to become “ransid” /have a foul odor, which calls for a deodorization process. All which uses chemicals to heat and deodorize.
Since these are highly oxidized, when consumed, it can also cause your cholesterol to oxidize.
Then the immune system sees this oxidation as a foreign invader; causing your immune system to fight it off, therefore begins the whole process of inflammation.
#2 Artificial dyes/ food coloring: blue no. 1 (brilliant blue FCF), blue no. 2 (indigotine), green
no. 3 (fast green FCF), red no. 3 (erythrosine), red no. 40 (allura red AC), yellow no. 5
(tartrazine), and yellow no. 6 (sunset yellow FCF).
Stay away from any of these at all costs. Artificial dyes have been linked to cancer, hyperactivity, birth defects, inattention, impaired memory, anxiety, and allergic reactions.
#3 Artificial/ Refined sugars: sucralose, dextrose, corn syrup, rice syrup, high fructose corn
syrup, aspartame, (artificial) stevia and /or xylitol. Refined sugars like these can cause metabolic dysfunction. That may look like: weight gain, high blood sugar, and/ or insulin resistance. Swap these artificial sugars for organic raw and unfiltered honey, organic maple syrup, organic date syrup, or organic coconut palm sugar.
If you’d like to dive deeper into eating truly clean, I would love guide you through it.
You can visit my page: Eat clean, feel good.
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
-1 Corinthians 10:31